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Fine Arts

3D-engraving | Laser-cutting

Carried out at

DSAA Textile Design



Marianne Bernecker | Course Founder-Leader

Laurent Schavey | Course Founder-Leader

Hervé Crespel | Course Founder-Leader 

Solange Thiry | Senior Lecturer 

Special mention

Zacharie Dru | FabLab Technician

Roubaix  —  France

  —  2018

Between visible and invisible, between

primitive and contemporary.

We live in interconnected spaces, in a geographical sense, as in a temporal sense. Whether we are aware of it or not, there is a transcendental bond, a subconscious planetary network that unites all organisms together.


In biology, this research can be evoked by phylogeny, which is reminiscent of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Hundreds of millions of years of evolution condensed in the cells of our contemporary species. Hundreds of thousands information held in our own DNA. While our contemporary generations tend to forget it, the reminiscence of this bond still persists today. Sometimes subtle or powerful, physical or impalpable, this is this forgotten palimpsest present in the depths of our body that I try to bring to light.  An archaic root, a sleeping imprint, that influences our ways of life, even today.


Laser engraving on wood logs Format: 30 cm x 10 cm.

Laser engraving on wood logs Format: 15 cm x 15 cm.

Laser cutting on card stock Format: 30 cm x 40 cm.

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